Monday, December 3, 2012

Repost: Goldman Sachs Rules the World

I want to thank him for telling the truth, and then spit/puke at him for being part of the cancer that continues to twist humanity into greedy, inhuman, apathetic assholes. We need to be preparing for survival, not for raking in more (useless) money caused by the losses of others. Woo, got that off my chest.

Update, 9/27/11
News outlets are calling Alessio Rastani, the young man who warned the BBC of a coming financial collapse, a fraud. The majority claim it was a hoax, that he is not a real trader, and that it's a wonder he ever made it on the BBC in the first place. While incorrectly quoting Rastani, The Telegraph also reveals something quite important:

"They approached me," he told The Telegraph. "I'm an attention seeker. That is the main reason I speak. That is the reason I agreed to go on the BBC. Trading is a like a hobby. It is not a business. I am a talker. I talk a lot. I love the whole idea of public speaking."

So he's more of a talker than a trader. A man who doesn't own the house he lives in, but can sum up the financial crisis in just three minutes – a knack that escapes many financial commentators.

"I agreed to go on because I'm attention seeker," he said on Tuesday. "But I meant every word I said."

He does not trade with the "big leagues," he's a speaker, and he described the situation accurately and efficiently, with zero bullshit. Sounds like he has everything we need to make for a worthwhile source.

He also discusses his claims on CNN:

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