Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Repost: Don't Sell Your Gold!

People are getting meager amounts of cash for their precious metals more and more frequently. I see more Cash4Gold signs than I see grocery stores, lately. The Cash4Gold scamming system was revealed years ago, but it wasn't heavily publicized and so not enough people are aware of it. So why was it brushed under the rug? First, let's learn a little about the American dollar, the gold standard, the misconception about the Federal Reserve, and how the American government wrecked it all up.

The gentleman in this video can explain it far more clearly and knowledgeably than I can:

 The Federal reserve wasn't formed by the government, and is, as the following video explains, about as Federal as Fed Ex. It was formed by the wealthiest bankers in the country (Rockefeller, Morgan, and Rothschild, to name a few), and has steadily increased the nation's debt since its inception. The greatest source of American debt and Federal Reserve profit? War.

In fact, the national debt grows exponentially with each war. During the Great Depression, people flooded the banks to get their money's worth in hold returned to them, and banks defaulted. Shortly thereafter, the government required all gold be returned for cash, and The Federal Reserve decided that gold would no longer represent our currency. From then on, the dollar itself was worth next-to-nothing ("legal tender") and could be freely printed by the Fed, who also control how much is printed. Now, some argue Cash4Gold is a modern-day Gold Recall.

The following video provides all of this information and more in great detail for your viewing pleasure. It also explains what's so shifty about the nation-wide push to sell all your precious metals as quickly as possible. The speaker is dramatic (as is the background music) and his inflections may rub your ears the wrong way, but the information is extremely important:

By the way, we're living in a giant corporation.

Edit: I apologize for the dramatic feel in these videos. I can't help how others deliver information.

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